
 Hvor kan jeg se en liste over mine fakturaer

 Information about enavn Affiliate

As an affiliate with enavn, you can make money by referring new customers to enavn. How do I...

 What is the order process like?

After you've placed your order with us, you'll receive an order confirmation and if you pay by...

 When will my subscription be renewed?

All the products you can buy online, or by phone, at has varying subscription periods.In...

 How can I upgrade/downgrade my current solution/hotel?

If you want to change the solution you aleerede have, proceed as follows: Log in to:...

 How do I pay my invoice/subscription?

You can pay your invoice at, by logging in to the customer area.You can either generate...

 How can I add diskspace for my current solution/hotel?

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 What can I do if I forgot my password to the customer area?

If you've forgotten your password, you can have a password reset link sent to your registered...

 How do I access my products?

When you order a hosting product with us, we'll automatically send you an email with your login...

 How can I cancel my subscription with

You can cancel your subscription easy and fast, by logging in to your Client Area and deactivate...